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StripeSnoop File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
bitgen.cStand-alone tool to generate bitstreams
bitstream.cppHolds the raw bitstream of a magstripe track
bitstream.h [code]
card.cppHolds the detected/missing Tracks of a card
card.h [code]
cardtest.cppDefines tests for determine type of card
cardtest.h [code]
database.cppManages all the CardTest tests to run on a swiped card
database.h [code]
getopt.cGNU's command line options parser
getopt.h [code]
loader.cppHandles loading and configuring a hardware interface
loader.h [code]
main.cppStripe Snoop main executable
misc.cppMisc function used by various files
misc.h [code]
mod10.cStand-alone tool to generate and validate account numbers
ports.cppStand-alone developer tool for troubleshooting direct readers
rdetect.cppStand-alone tool to detect magstripe hardware
rdetect.h [code]
reader.cppControls all supported readers
reader.h [code]
ssflags.cppCommand line flags for Stripe Snoop
ssflags.h [code]
sxmlp.cppExtremely simple XML parser
sxmlp.h [code]
testfuncs.cppVarious functions to test for a card fingerprint, formatters
testfuncs.h [code]
testresult.cppReport containing details of card matched in database
testresult.h [code]
track.cppHolds bits and represented characters of a magstripe track
track.h [code]

Generated on Thu Apr 7 01:55:45 2005 for StripeSnoop by doxygen 1.3.3