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The precompiled binaries and source code are released after certain functionality milestones, or after a certain amount of time. The latest code can be downloaded from the CVS tree. You can export the CVS tree to your local machine using these instructions. Code in the CVS repository always compiles and runs, and contains features that have been added since the last milestone release.

Latest Stripe Snoop Releases
Stripe Snoop is available as both source and pre-compiled binaries. Past Stripe Snoop releases can be be downloaded from Source Forge.
Source Code
(Platform Independent, C/C++)
Stripe Snoop 1.5 (8-8-2004)
Windows Executable
(95, 98, 98se, ME, NT, 2000, XP)
Stripe Snoop 1.5 (8-8-2004)
Linux Binary
(32-bit ELF, x86 platform)
Stripe Snoop 1.5 (8-8-2004)
DOS Executable
(MS-DOS, PC-DOS, DR-DOS, FreeDOS, Win 3.x)
Stripe Snoop 1.2 (7-13-2004)

Other Downloads
Other tools and utilities to help uses Stripe Snoop
Trouble Shooting Boot Disk
(1.44 Floppy Disk Image)
This is a disk image that can be written directly to a floppy disk using dd if=ss-freedos.img of=/dev/fd0 in Linux, or using RawWrite in Windows. This is boot disk using FreeDOS that runs Stripe Snoop 1.2 for Dos. It is useful to test a system Stripe Snoop is not working on to see if its a hardware problem or a software problem.

Last Updated: 04/18/2005 18:46:44